We’re looking out for the was-your-favorite tees. The ghosts-from-outfits-past. The “pair you’ll always wear”...that you haven’t worn in a while.
Because even though you’re done with an outfit, doesn’t mean the world is.
So instead of tossing out your “old” clothes, give them back to the community! Enter: The Give Back Box®.
For us, the Give Back Box® program has two goals. First, to deliver your gently used clothes—even those without pact® on the tag—to nonprofits that need them. Second, to reduce our packaging footprint by reusing old boxes for an awesome cause. It’s a win-win, without the waste bin.
Donating is easy & free.
We’ve partnered with Give Back Box ® to provide a zero-hassle, zero-cost way to ship your charitable wearables. Here’s how it works:
Step 1: Grab that cube of cardboard.
Reuse the box your p a c t ® order came in, or use another cardboard box you have—we’re not picky. Then, fill it with gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories.
Step 2: Ship it.
Don’t forget to print out a free (!) pre-addressed shipping label.
Step 3: Give yourself a high-five.
That box is now on its way to one of the five local charities that are part of the Give Back Box® program.
Look at you, changing the clothing industry one cardboard box at a time.
Frequently asked questions.
Do I have to use my Pact packaging?
You can use any corrugated box you have - the motto here is "no box left behind."
What can I send?
Any apparel in good condition, including clothes, shoes, accessories, and jewelry!
Who can donate?
Our clothing donation program is currently available to all customers in the United States.
Is there a weight limit on how much I can put in the box?
There is. The maximum weight is 70 pounds.
What happens to the items I donate?
Donated items are sorted and sold by the participating charity. Then, that revenue is used to help fund community-based programs like job training, job placement services, and support services such as financial education and transportation.
Can I choose which charity receives my donation?
Not at the moment, but Give Back Box® is working to make this possible in the future.
Can I get a tax deduction receipt?
You bet! Every person who uses this service can receive a tax deduction. You have two options:
(1) Create an account and sign in to givebackbox.com. Using your tracking number, you can itemize your donation online (you may also choose to itemize the items you are sending in the box). Once your donation has been received and processed, you will be notified with a receipt via email.
(2) You can email Give Back Box (info@givebackbox.com) with your tracking info and they will provide you a receipt directly!
*Note: the receipt will not be available until your donation has been mailed.
Want to skip the shipping?
We feel you. If you’d rather go straight to the source, drop off your donations at a local Goodwill.